Our Team!

Daniel Joseph Karczewski

Daniel Joseph Karczewski grew up in a Christian home in Plantation, FL. He was saved at the young age of 5 at his bedside asking the Lord Jesus Christ to come into his heart and forgive his sin. He was baptized by Pastor Howard Lemon at Plantation Baptist Church shortly after. He served in Plantation Baptist Church and Trinity Baptist Church in Orlando, FL until he left for the Marine Corps in 2006.

Since his time in the Corps, God has moved Daniel all over the world to more than 30 countries and nearly half of the states. Daniel has had the unique opportunity of serving in a plethora of churches in the military and out across the globe; most specifically Beacon Baptist Church in Jupiter, FL, Temple Baptist Church in Norfolk, VA, Coastline Baptist Church and Lighthouse Baptist Church in San Diego, CA, Faith Baptist Church in Iwakuni, Japan, and now Graceway Baptist Church in Washington, DC. During his time in Israel in 2012, God pressed Daniel and he became very sick. Daniel told God he would serve Him for the rest of his life no matter what the cost and what the task if He would spare his life. He surrendered his whole life to the Lord during that time.

Called to be a missionary, minister, and preacher of the Gospel on May 11th, 2014, Daniel accepted that call telling God he would go wherever God commands and calls him. He understood that no matter what God asked him to do, God would supply the grace to get it done and he has seen fruit ever since. At first, God called him to be a missionary to the Marines, and then expanded that call to all the branches of service and the Japanese. Since returning to the United States of America, the homeland, he has transitioned to evangelist and chaplain in different aspects with eyes set on military chaplaincy now. When it comes to ministry, there isn't a task Daniel has not done inside local church ministry.

Daniel met his wife Deborah in 2016 during his senior year at college. They were married on March 9th, 2017. Mrs Karczewski has faithfully served with her husband all these years. Daniel and Deborah have been blessed with two children, Michael Paul and Isaiah Benaiah. Daniel holds a Certificate Degree in Christian Apologetics, a Bachelors Degree in Health and Exercise Science, a Masters in Military History from the Marine Corps University, Master of Arts in Christian Ministry from Luther Rice College and Seminary, and a Masters of Divinity from Liberty University. Deborah is nearing the completion of her Nursing Degree and Teaching Degree. Both Daniel and Deborah are truly grateful for their family and enjoy serving the Lord together.

Daniel is the founder of a global ministry called Salvation Baptist Discipleship Ministries. Their goal is to see the whole entire world saved, baptized, discipled, and serving God for His glory. There are several arms to this ministry: global evangelism, preaching, personal soul winning, daily expository messages, nursing home outreach, homeless outreach, prison outreach, political outreach, music outreach, children’s outreach, apologetical outreach, testimonials, reviewing and reporting of modern day miracles, and much more.

His life’s verses are Proverbs 3:5-7, Philippians 4:6-7, and 1 Corinthians 10:31.

Arsenio “LEON” Spann

Arsenio “LEON” Spann grew up in a traditional Christian religious home in Charleston, SC. However, he didn’t grow up knowing and believing in the truth of the Gospel. The Lord allowed Arsenio to wreck his life in many ways before he would respond to the calling to get saved and baptized.

Arsenio joined the Marine Corps in 2005 and grew quickly in rank, stature, knowledge, and wisdom. He was promoted and awarded many times, having traveled all across the globe. Daniel and Arsenio met when they were in Marine Security Guard school in 2010 and became instant friends. Daniel would witness to Arsenio in the years of 2010, 2013, and 2018 when their paths continued crossing.

Arsenio married his wife Klasha in 2014 and they have two children, one in heaven, and one on the way. Shortly after 2017, Arsenio’s life was seemingly in shambles, nothing was going right, his life was full of sin, evil, and bondage. Through only the miracle of God, Arsenio cried out to the Lord to save his life finally and then miraculously Daniel appeared again in his life right in time to see him get baptized by Pastor Steve Chappell of Coastline Baptist Church.

Arsenio has now also served at Lighthouse Baptist Church with Pastor Doug Fisher, Faith Baptist Church with Pastor Brandon Knight, and Tokyo Baptist Church with Pastor Takeshi Yozowa. Arsenio is called as a global evangelist and preaches all over the world to everyone he meets and sees. He is on fire like no other and his light cannot be put out! Arsenio will tell you after he was saved God miraculously restored every broken thing in his life and to great joy!

Arsenio is seeking the Lords Will for Christian higher education right now but gives himself daily to the studying of the Scriptures, the greatest Teacher in the world who even told us He would teach us all things John 14:26. Klasha is nearing the completion of her Dentistry Degree. Both Arsenio and Klasha are truly thankful for their family and love serving God together.

Arsenio is co-founder to Salvation Baptist Discipleship Ministries. He personally leads outreach, private counseling, spiritual prayer, fasting, anointing, and spiritual warfare on another level like you’ve never seen before.

His life’s verse is Proverbs 1:7 and Isaiah 58:6.